Beauty is a spectrum, not a binary. Everyone has something beautiful about them—and while it’s important to be confident and comfortable in your own skin, you don’t need to be someone who looks like they stepped right out of an editorial shoot to feel pretty.

Beauty is more than just what you look like on the outside; it’s about how you carry yourself and how much joy comes from being yourself. It might help if we got rid of some of these stereotypes and replaced them with images from real women instead!

It’s okay to like makeup.

Makeup can be fun, it can be creative and it can be a way to express yourself in a way that you feel good about. It’s also an amazing way for people who feel self-conscious about their appearance or don’t have confidence in their own skin to feel more confident and attractive. If you’re someone who feels this way about yourself, making sure your face looks nice is one of the best ways I’ve found for feeling more confident about one’s self.

Not just because everyone else will compliment you on how pretty your eyes seem today, but even if they don’t say anything at all, just knowing that your face looks nice will make you feel good enough about yourself.

Beauty comes from within.

Beauty is not just about looks. It’s a state of being, and we all deserve to feel beautiful in ourselves. It’s about feeling comfortable in your own skin, and being confident in yourself and who you are as a person. When you start accepting yourself for who you are without trying to change anything about yourself or what others think of you, beauty will come naturally!

There’s no wrong way to dress.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone will see beauty in different things. So if you love wearing neon and sequins, that’s fine—just make sure you feel good about it! As long as it makes you feel confident and happy with yourself, then go for it!

Everyone is different; everyone has different preferences when it comes to how they want their clothes or accessories structured around them. Some people prefer bright colors while others prefer more muted tones. Some like patterns while others opt for plain fabrics.

Some truly don’t care what others think about their personal style choices. They just want something comfortable enough that they can wear during activities like running errands or going grocery shopping without worrying about wrinkling anything up too badly before getting back home again later.

Never let anyone tell you how to look.

You are the only person that can decide how to look.

It’s okay to like makeup and it’s okay to hate it, just as long as you’re happy with how you look no matter what. It’s also okay if you don’t wear any makeup at all, or maybe just a little bit! There is no right way or wrong way; everyone has their own preferences when it comes down to this kind of thing.

Having a positive outlook on life can lighten any room you walk into.

If you are happy, and if you are having fun, the people around you will be happier! As the saying goes: “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” So if your own mood is upbeat, it’s sure to rub off on those around you.

A smile can brighten your whole face, no matter how you look on the outside.

Smiling is not just a nice thing to do, it’s also a free beauty treatment. A smile can brighten your whole face, no matter how you look on the outside. It makes others feel better and it can even help you get through hard times.

A smile can make you feel better about yourself and your life. If someone gives you one of those rare smiles that seem to come from the heart and leaves their mouth, then this person has probably given some thought about what they have seen as well as how others may view them based on their facial expression alone.

Smiling will improve our self-esteem because it makes us feel good about ourselves when someone genuinely compliments us for our appearance or behavior rather than just speaking negatively about physical characteristics such as weight distribution or wrinkles around certain parts of our body.

Your outfit doesn’t define you, you define your outfit.

You are more than just the clothes you wear. Your outfit doesn’t define you, but rather it reflects a part of who you are and what type of person you want to be. For example:

  • If your personality is outgoing and adventurous, then try wearing fun clothes that reflect this side of yourself. Perhaps some bright colors or patterns would be appropriate for this kind of person.
  •  If your lifestyle requires constant movement (i.e., running around all day), then it would make sense that any clothing should move with them—and these days there are plenty of options available!

Fear and insecurity are not fashionable.

Too many people are insecure about their appearance, and it’s time to stop. If you’re thinking that beauty is something that other people need to see to feel good about themselves, then let me tell you something: It’s not true. You should do what makes YOU happy with your body and face; it doesn’t matter if someone else thinks they’re hot or not.

You don’t have to be insecure about your looks or any other aspect of who you are as a person—in fact, being comfortable with yourself will help others see how much confidence there really is behind the mask! So go out there and be confident in who you are!

Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Do you know what’s better than the opinions of others? Your own.

When it comes to your appearance, don’t worry about what other people think of you. Don’t let them affect how much confidence and happiness you have in yourself either. The only thing that matters is how happy you are with yourself as an individual. Not how much validation someone else gives or doesn’t give to your appearance.

It’s okay if people have different standards than we do when it comes to fashion, but don’t let anyone make decisions for you based on their own personal preferences or biases (or lack thereof).

Beauty is all around us, and we should work to see it every day.

You can’t see beauty if you don’t look for it.

Being grateful for the beauty in everyday life is important because there are so many things that could spoil your view of what’s beautiful and worth appreciating.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and that it has given you a new outlook on beauty. I know the struggle of wanting to look good and being insecure about your appearance. So we all must recognize the power we have over our own beauty.

Remember, if someone tells you that there is something wrong with who you are because of your style or personality, tell them where they can go!

Photo by Unsplash