Have you ever experienced being ashamed of what you have done, particularly to a mistake you committed to someone?

What did happen? How did that person respond?

“For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” — Hebrews 8:12 ESV

Unquestionably, God is referring this verse to his people who sinned against him. He made a covenant, but since men are sinful in nature, it failed. That’s why today, he has a new promise that involves transforming the inner lives of his people.

But why God created the new covenant? The reason is because of his love and mercy. Although he was offended by their unrighteousness, he forgave them. God’s love cannot be equated with the limited love of a human. Human’s love is limited and conditional, while God’s love is steadfast and unfailing.

We are sinners. We always fail God. If God is not a God, he will stop loving us because we are all unlovable. We make so many mistakes, and when his love fails, he would surely curse us. But God’s love is not like that and is not dependent on who we are or what our past.

He loves us, despite the fact we fail him every day. He is always patient. Many times, we ran away from him, but he pursues. We fall back, but he holds still. We hide, but he seeks. This love has been proved to us by Jesus Christ when he died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Nothing can ever be compared to that kind of love.

Now that we understand how God loves us, what should we do? Knowing that he forgave us from all our sins, what should be the response? Will we keep on sinning or lay aside those things? Will we run the race and obey him every day or step back and be enslaved by temporary things?

Let’s pray,

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me and forgiving all of my sins. I don’t deserve to be loved. Many people already gave up on me. I always make mistakes. I am a big mistake. I doubt if someone will still accept me and stays forever. But thank you, because you know how wretched I am, you know my flaws, sins, and imperfections but your love never wavers. Because of this, help me to surrender my life to you. I am sorry for my sins. Help me to love you and live for you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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